Tag: learning

  • Integrating multimedia technology in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL).

    Integrating multimedia technology in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Due to the current status of English as global language of science, technology, and international relations among countries around the world consider the teaching of English as a major educational priority. English as a foreign language is often taught in unfavorable conditions and as…

  • How to build learning motivation for children

    How to build learning motivation for children To build learning motivation for children is not easy. They are moody. Sometimes they are highly motivated, but sometime they are on the contrary. There are some causes why they are low motivated:  stressed, bored, angry and disappointed towards something. When the adults around them cannot help  solve…

  • Relationship between language and culture

    Relationship between language and culture The relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language is used to convey culture. If you study a language, you also study the culture. All people are similar at birth, until they are exposed to their surroundings that they become individuals in and of their culture. From birth, the…

  • Prinsip-prinsip Metode Active Learning

    Prinsip-prinsip Metode Active Learning Untuk dapat menerapkan metode Active Learning dalam proses belajar mengajar, maka hakekat dari metode Active Learning perlu dijabarkan ke dalam prinsip-prinsip yang dapat diamati berupa tingkah laku.  Jadi  dapat  dipahami  bahwa  yang  dimaksud  dengan  prinsip- prinsip  metode  Active  Learning  adalah  tingkah  laku yang mendasar yang  selalu  nampak  dan  menggambarkan  keterlibatan  siswa …

  • Pengertian Metode Active Learning

    Pengertian Metode Active LearningMetode Active Learning adalah suatu istilah dalam dunia pendidikan,  yaitu  sebagai  strategi  belajar  mengajar  yang  bertujuan untuk     meningkatkan     mutu     pendidikan.     Dan     untuk     mencapai keterlibatan siswa agar efektif dan efisien dalam belajar membutuhkan berbagai pendukung dalam proses belajar mengajar. Misalnya dari sisit siswa, guru, situasi belajar, program…

  • Strength of Portfolio Assessment

    Strength of Portfolio Assessment Portfolio assessment can be used for many necessities. It records the students’ learning process. Berenson and Certer in Rusoni (2001) stated that there are some portfolio assessment’s strengths: (1)   To make document of the student’s progress for certain period of times; Result of the students work are recorded in a list…

  • Basic Principle of Assessment in Portfolio Assessment Model

    Basic Principle of Assessment in Portfolio Assessment Model Portfolio assessment model relates to a number of assessment basic principles (Budimansyah, 2002). The assessment basic principles are: (1)   Principle of process and product assessment Portfolio assessment model applies process and product of teaching and learning. The assessment of learning processes are got from anecdotal record about…

  • Weakness of Traditional Assessment

    Weakness of Traditional Assessment The weakness of traditional assessment are described by Applebee (in Luitel, 2002) that the traditional notion of assessment cannot assess the student learning process realistically because it views the assessment as the notion of knowledge-out-of-action. It tends to prompt the students to overcome with basic skills only. Although basic skills may…

  • Traditional Assessment

    Traditional Assessment Traditionally, assessment is held at the end of teaching-learning process. Its purpose is to know whether the students have understood the subject that is learned or not. Certain grade is used to decide the understanding degree of the students to the subject. If the students get a good grade at the test, it…

  • Teaching and Learning Process

    Teaching and Learning Process Winkel (1989: 36) defines learning as a psychology activity that holds in active interaction with the environment, which produces many changes of knowledge, skills, and attitude. While, according to Slameto (1995: 2), psychologically, learning is a changing process as a result of the interaction with the environment to fulfil the needs…