What Is Standard Time?
Standard time or standard time is the time required by a worker who works in a reasonable time to perform a specific task in the best working system.
The use of standard time is manifold, such as:
1. Basic standard wage determination
2. Basis of determining standard costs in a manufacturing operation
3. The basis for determining the amount of production machines
4. The basis for determining the amount of labor needs
5. The basis for determining the balance of the production line
6. The broad basis for determining the layout of the facility and production floor
In a production or manufacturing operation, timing is standard plays an important role. This standard time measurement of specialization in industrial engineers.
Measurement Method Standard Time
There are two kinds of methods to measure the standard time, namely:
1. Direct Method
2. Indirect Method
The difference of the two methods that are on the way observations. Measuring the standard time in a straightforward manner possessed two ways, namely by stopping clock studies (stopwatch) and sampling work. In both these methods, measurement and observation visits directly on the production floor. While the standard time measured by the indirect method can be carried out without direct observation on the production floor. In this case use the standard time data or data movement time.
Some indirect measurement methods are:
1. Method of Work Factors
2. Methods–Time Measurement
3. Maynard Operation Sequence Technique
Time Cycle, Normal Time and Time Standards
In the measurement of standard time, there are three kinds of terms of time, the cycle time, normal time and standard time. Cycle time is the time of execution of the unit product obtained in the observations. Normal time is given cycle time adjustment factor.
This adjustment factor is given to ‘normalize’ the observed speed of the operator. While Standard Time is obtained from the normal time which has been given leeway factor. Allowance is usually considered to personal needs, to eliminate fatigue (tiredness) and for delay.
Stages of Direct Measurement Standard Time to Stop Clock
Here are the steps to be followed in determining the standard time:
1. Select the operations or activities to be observed
2. Select the operator / worker who will be the object of observation. Select the operation tempo reasonable person, in the sense of not too fast and not too slow.
3. Record and describe the sequence of activities carried out workers
4. Observe, measure the time of execution of the element with the clock stopping activities, and note on the observation sheet
5. Assess the performance of the operator, and specify the adjustment factor
6. Give value for leniency
7. Determine the standard time
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